Saturday, March 29, 2008

Grammy's visit

We've have been dealing with some long nights since Sydney is a colicky baby. Grammy came out to stay for a week to help out. There were a few great days & nights when she got here, so she thought they were crazy. Then Sydney showed her true colors and had a bad night for Grammy to help out with. It was touch and go the rest of the week. And of course the last night Sydney didn't sleep well from gas and Grammy had to hold her for many hours to keep her comfy and sleeping.
Don't forget to check out the slide show...


Anonymous said...

Sydney is such a cute girl. G-Pa loves her so much. I love Mom and Dad as well. She doesn't seem to have colic in these photos. Thank goodness for Grammy.

Aunt Mary said...

Glad to see Grammy is there to help with the "witching hours" so you two can get some much needed rest. Haven't heard if you are going back to work or not Katie, but hope these colicky nights change to sleep filled nights very soon. We love you all, keep doing those diaper changes Brian! Aunt Mary