Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Sydney crawled a little bit last Saturday night while Brian wasn't home, however hasn't done it since. Until last night. Sydney took off a few times with her arms and legs all coordinated. Yipee! She still likes to do her "worm" as she probably feels that she can get to her destination faster that way. Her favorite thing to do is to grab your thumbs or fingers and pull herself up. It is really cute since she bends her knees and steps up on one foot then the other. Then she likes to walk a few steps. We believe she would like to bypass crawling and start walking :-). She has gotten the hang of pulling up with us, however doesn't pull up on furniture. I guess that is a blessing.

In the midst of all of this, we didn't have the camera ready. Actually we couldn't find it last night of all nights. We will capture her soon and will post a video.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Syd!! Can't wait to see the video. Or the live version!

Anonymous said...

Grammy is so proud of you. Good job sweetie. Can't wait to see you crawling when we come for Thanksgiving. Grammy has lots of sugar stored up to give you. Get ready!! Love you all.