Saturday, January 24, 2009

Swim Class

We signed Sydney up for a swim class at the local rec center. Today was the first of 4 classes. She LOVED the water! I took her into the baby pool that slopes down to 3 feet deep. She just kept walking in deeper. Of course I had to pick her up when it got too deep for her :-). Sydney got to play with her mommy and daddy in the class. We all had a really fun time.

Time to get into the pool.

Isn't Sydney's swimsuit cute?

Playing around before class

Having fun at swim class

1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

Hey there kids, I am so glad to see that you are getting Sydney into swimming classes right from the start. She will learn to love the water and the activity of swimming. Bravo! I'm like a fish though so I love the water. Hugs and love all around, Auntie M