Thursday, February 5, 2009

1 Year Checkup

Here are her stats from her 1 year checkup at the doctor's office today:

Length: 29 3/4" 75%tile
Weight: 20lbs 4oz 30%tile
Head: 18" 70%tile

Basically, we have a tall, lean baby with a big head :-). It has to make room for her growing brain since she is such a smart baby!


Anonymous said...

Totally agree with the smart baby stuff. I'm such a lucky grammy. Yeh Sydney. Have a great party and dig into that cake and make a mess...heehee.

Love Grammy

Aunt Mary said...

Did she have to get her 12 mos shots today....or will you wait until after her birthday party. Don't want her associating birthdays with pain! She is such a big girl and getting smarter by the day. Can't wait until our little guy is born. Hugs and love all around, Auntie M

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Sydney is a year old! I hope she got the birthday card I sent her. I know she is enjoying having Pops and Grammy out for a visit. Keep posting those pictures!!