Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grammy, Amber & Adeline's Trip

Amber & Adeline came to the states from Australia for a family visit. Grammy drove up from Texas. We had them all here for almost a week for a fun visit.

I have more videos to post, however they take a long time to upload. I went ahead and posted the pics and will update the blog with more vidoes soon!

I can fly!

Kangaroo Kingdom

The girl to Sydney's right is as tall as her and is only 9 months old! Come to find out her mom was a basketball player :-)

Another day we ate lunch at Chick-fil-A and then went to the Butterfly Pavilion

Bath time!

Brother & Sister & Cousins

I love my Uncle Bubby!

Your joshing me!

I am still so cute


Uncle Bubby teaching Addie to throw a frisbie

Time for the PARK - the only warm day we had when they were here was the day before they left for Texas.


Aunt Mary said...

Loved these family pix. The girls have both grown so much, and I loved how long Addie's hair has gotten. You all look like you had so much fun. Can't wait to see the rest of the pix. Love Auntie M

patti said...

Oh...what fun! I had to see pics of grammy with both of her girls. I'm grammy's neighbor in Texas.

Those girls are lucky to have such a wonderful Grammy but I know you all know that. Sydney is so cute! I hope she gets to come down and play here in Texas sometime.