Friday, May 22, 2009

Trip to Texas - Arrival, Play Time & Park

We flew to Texas last weekend for Grammy's 60th birthday. We had a great time!

Grammy entertaining Sydney while I am dealing with the airline about my missing bag. It had mine and Sydney's stuff in it and we got it the next afternoon. How can you lose a bag without a connecting flight???
Ewwwwww - germs!

Grammy's neighbor let her borrow some toys for Sydney to play with. Thanks Greg & Patty!

Doesn't she look older than 15 months in this picture?

Grammy's kitchen play drawer from when Addie lived there. Sydney had a lot of fun with the stuff in there. She even "talked" on the calculator :-)

Just being too darn cute.

We had a BBQ on Sunday night with some neighbors to celebrate the birthday, however we had to do something on the real birthday day. Yummy Blue Bonnet ice cream. Another reason to love the South.


Sydney, Grandpa Dave and Emmit. Sydney loved to look at Emmit.

Just playing

Playing in Grammy's old jewelry. She really liked this one since was a Christmas one with bells on it.

Dinner time.

We were supposed to have the BBQ on Saturday night however it was rainy and cooler that day. Not a good day to be swimming. No one wanted to wait for the cake, so we went ahead and cut into it that night.

"Where's Emmitt"
"Look at me in my new chair!" What a perfect size chair for Sydney. Now we just have to get it back to Colorado.

Since Grammy messed up her knee, they rode the scooter to the park. Sydney loved beeping the horn.
At the park

1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

Okay, what is up with the braced knee? Is that what happens when you get to be 60??? Perry's knees hurt him too and he just turned 60 in April. HaHa. I think I'll just skip over that one next year. It seems to be a bad year! Hugs to all, Auntie M