Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Saturday morning we all went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (http://www.cmzoo.org/). The first thing you see when you enter is the African Rift Valley exhibit. Per the website: The largest giraffe herd at any zoo, the herd "stampedes" outdoors most mornings, spending the day grazing and relaxing in their savannah home. We even fed them 'giraffe' crackers. The zoo is on the side of the mountain so we got a good walk in.

Sydney refused to smile for the camera. She also was finished with her milk, however she had to carry it with her the whole time at the zoo. She would continue to open and close it.

We all got tokens to vote an animal to protect.

Feeding the giraffes

We still have the milk container...

No, these aren't skunks



"The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, to sleep....

2 week old baby goats

Time to see the elephants

"Maybe cousin Adeline will show me some of these when I get to the real Australia."
I've got my eye on you...

What do you see Sydney?


Almost done
Gran, Sydney & I stuck around for a picnic while the guys went to play golf.


Aussiewife said...

No problem! We can even pet them and feed them. Lots of local wildlife to see here...just on our front door. Hopefully you get to see them soon!

Aunt Mary said...

That would be an awesome trip to go to Australia for you all. Hope you get to make the trip soon, or maybe wait until Sydney is just a bit older so she remembers the trip. Hard to remember much at her young age, and a trip like that you would definitely want her to remember. Have a good time, whenever you go. I know Grammy can't wait to go later this month. Hugs and love all around, Auntie M