Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Meade's Visit to Colorado

My girlfriend Whitney and her daughter flew out on a Tuesday and her husband Ben flew out on Thursday for a visit. Unfortunately I got hit with an extremely bad case of allergies. We were able to have some fun, but I was not able to do as much as I wanted to :-(.

First stop... The Zoo
Here I am actually "petting" the snake.

Sydney was excited to see the polar bear which was really moving around that day.

We all had fun on the carousel!

As many times that I have been to the zoo, I have not seen the elephant show. One elephant was enjoying the pool while the other enjoyed getting some water sprayed into her mouth. I don't think I have ever seen their mouths either. What a fun thing to watch. Oh, and the girls enjoyed it also :-)

Watching the elephants.

So much fun that Sydney sacked out before we got to the car.

Sydney "driving" baby and Daddy to school. This was sooooo cute!

Off to dinner on Pearl Streeet.

It was so good to see my friend Whitney and spend time with Corbin and Ben. We miss you guys!

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