Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sydney's 1st Birthday Party

Wow - It is hard to believe we had a party for Sydney turning one! We had a great turn out of all our our friends and family to help us celebrate.

Pops entertaining Sydney while the rest of us were preparing for the party.

The decorations. Thanks Tracie for helping me make the banners and cut-outs!

We had an interesting morning when Pops and I went to go get the cake. I walked into the lady's house that was making the cake and she looked at me like what was I doing at her house that day. I walked out with no cake! She had written the day down wrong. I was upset then mad. Luckily we went yesterday morning, so she said could still do it in time. I had my doubts, however she delivered a beautiful cake! And boy was it yummy! The one on the right was Sydney's own cake. It is not an igloo, but a baby bonnet :-)

Aunt Betsy & Cousin Sara sent Sydney a Dr. Suess Birthday Book. Everyone (well almost everyone) signed it for Sydney.

It's my birthday party and I want YOU to enjoy the pictures!

Here are the 3 Musketeers - Sophia, Sydney & Jocelyn. We didn't even plan the outfits and they all look so cute with matching colors!

Brian did a great job at getting Aunt Besty & Cousin Sara, Grammy and GPa on ooVoo (like Skype) to watch Sydney eat her cake.

Sydney wasn't sure about the cake and actually started to cry at first. I helped her take a taste and then she dove in and kept eating and eating and eating....

Sydney even wanted to share with Daddy

A word to the wise - Don't let your child eat so much cake. She was wired for an extra hour last night and then had an upset tummy. She sure enjoyed her cake though!

Christa & Shannon hung around for a few holes of Tiger Woods Wii. During that time, Gran, Christa, Sydney and I opened her presents. She got some really cute clothes and some great toys. Here she is playing with her 1st computer from Gran & Pops.

1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

Birthdays are so much fun, especially when they are spent with family and friends. Looks like Sydney enjoyed her special day, even though her reward was a tummy ache. Cupcake size cakes usually work when they are so small. Hugs and love to you all, Auntie M