Monday, August 31, 2009

Gran & Pop's Trip

Sydney had to put a washrag on her week old boo boo.

This is how she fell asleep. ZZZZZZZZZZ.......

At 6am one morning, the music table started playing by itself. Ghost? Nahhhhhh. Batteries dying. After watching me turn the table over, take of the cover and then change the batteries, Sydney thought she could do just as well. She started saying batteries after that.

We walked down to the basement to show the plumber something (he was moving the outside spicket away from the deck area) and Sydney found all the toys I retired. She had fun playing with her old toys.

Pops took apart the arch still halfway put together in our basement. Hmmmm, our wedding was how long ago :-) Sydney was a big help by taking the posts from Pops and putting them in the box - all by herself!

Fun time with Gran and the Bunny.

Sydney dumped all the balls from the basket and helped Pops find them under the couch.
Sydney helping Gran clean the floor.

Tea Party with Gran. Sydney actually gets a cup, pours the "tea" and hands you the cup to drink (or drinks it herself). It is so stinking cute!!!

Seriously, who does my child take after putting things on her head?!?!?!?!

This was my chair when I was a child. Sydney loves to sit in it and rock. She goes up to it and says "rocking."

Gran bought Sydney some boots and she had to put them on and show them off.

Play time on the slide. I finally got the grand idea to put a box there so she could climb up herself. Makes it soooo much easier on your back. Not sure what I will put there when I need the diapers :-)

Sydney went and retrieved all the balls she threw in the plant area.

Time to teach Dad and Pops how to have a tea party.

I made the mistake and kissed Sydney's boo boo on her toe. She will kiss her toe all of a sudden now.

Pops drawing with Sydney.
Sydney is thinking "Should I really believe what Pops is telling me?" Take it from me, he is probably joshing you!
We had a great time with Gran and Pops! We miss you!

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