Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I just want thank my parents for bringing me into this world and giving me a great life. I never fully appreciated what I had as I grew up - until you look back and see just how good it was. And still is. I have great parents, sister, niece, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, friends (close as family) ........ I even met a wonderful man who made my life even better. And now we have a beautiful little girl. How could life be any better?


Aunt Mary said...

Katie, It is truly an ah-ha moment when that hits you, isn't it? I know I had that moment a couple of years into my marriage when I had young children, working hard on the farm, and it hit me how really idealic my childhood was. Glad to hear your life is even better now. Hugs, Auntie M

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Katie!!!!
I hope you have many more.
Love You,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You have a wonderful supportive family who loves you and is happy you were born!
Love you,

Grammy said...

What a wonderful compliment to all of us who love you.