Friday, March 27, 2009


Yesterday we got hit with some crazy snow. We all went to work and school, however it didn't take long to decide to pick Sydney up and go home. The wind picked up and produced some deep snow drifts around the house. We ended up with over a foot of snow!

Check back later for some pictures of Sydney's first time playing in the snow.

"When can I go out and play???"

The drifts were pretty deep around the house. The first picture is at one of the deck post holes.

The neighborhood
That was a lot of work to shovel! Brian and I even did it twice yesterday to keep up and not have it so bad today.

Sydney chillin'

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Looks like Sydney enjoyed the snow days as much as Mom and Dad. Can't wait to see my little snow angel in the snow. Love you sweetie pie....grammy